City Of Yuma, AZ
HOME MenuProtective Orders
AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool
AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection or an Injunction against Harassment. Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request a Protective Order at an Arizona court.
A Protective Order is a court order that is issued to stop a person from contacting other people protected by the order.
The portal will also help you figure out whether you (the plaintiff) and the person from whom you are seeking protection (the defendant) have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection or an Injunction against Harassment. Your information will be saved in AZPOINT for up to 90 days. At any time during this 90-day period, you may take the next step of filing your petition at an Arizona court. Until you file your petition at a court, you will be able to return to AZPOINT to update your information if necessary.
You are encouraged to speak to a victim advocate before you file your petition. An advocate can help you make a safety plan and give you more information about how a Protective Order works and how it will be served on the defendant.
Protective Orders are only heard between normal business hours, which are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
You must complete and submit the forms online through the link above and must complete the process in person at the court before a judge.
There is an I-Pad kiosk available in the lobby inside the Yuma Municipal Court to fill out an order of protection.
There is no fee for filing a petition for a protective order. After normal court hours, during the weekend and holidays, any police officer can assist you in obtaining an emergency order of protection.
The Order is effective only after a copy of the Order has been served on the defendant.
An Order expires one year from the date the defendant was served with a copy of the Order.
Yuma Municipal Court being a limited jurisdiction court will hear a petition, if the petition reveals that an action for maternity, paternity or annulment, dissolution of marriage or legal separation is pending A.R.S. 13-3602(P) you'll be referred to Superior Court. If, after issuance of an Order, the court determines that a family court action is pending, all documents relating to the Order shall be promptly transferred to the Superior Court.
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